Monday, April 26, 2010

The Unemployment Rate Compared to the 1930's
to now the unemployment rate now compared to the unemployment now is far greater than what it is in the 21st century, however in 2009 the unemployment reached a height of 9.8% all most equivalent to the
unemployment rate in 1941 which was 9.9%.

Government help

In the early 1930's after FDR was elected president he admittedly set up some programmes to help the American people one of the programs was the social security act which gave insurance benefits to the unemployed, well welfare benefits to the poor; and handicap there also was the agriculture adjustment act which raised the farm prices. In 2009 after Obama was elected president he also set up some programs to help America out of the recession. One of the programs he set up was the American Recovery and Reinvestment act of 2009 which gave tax relief to the unemployed,people on welfare, and handicap, and was also a way to boost the economy Cash for Clunkers which was a green way to help boost auto sales.

The People

as I am looking through some pics of compering the Great Depression and the Recession now I see the people, but no smiles. Everyone appears to share the same emotions no matter what time they are in, in this situation I see deviation on all faces they seem to be thinking that there is going to be hard ships ahead them in the next year. People are lined up for job interviews, and the jobs might not even have great pay, but it is a way to at least make some money. In California dust blows around as farmers plow their fields which is similar to what happened in the Dust Bowl in the 1930's, but it happened in a diff rent location from when it happened in the 1930's. In the 1930's people inned up at bakes to get their money before the bank closes, however in 2008 I see a long line of people outside of banks waiting to hear that the Federal Deposit insurance cooperation has control over the banks after they closed for four days. there are a couple differences you can see like people have cellphones, and ipods.

My Conclusion

My Conclusion After my research on the depression and comparing it to the Reassertion I think that it is not nearly as bad as the depression. The depression was far worse, and the unemployment now is nothing compared to the 1930's . I think that America is over reacting thinking that nothing is repairing quickly, just, because Obama did not fix the problem in the blink of an eye dose not mean he is not doing his best to try to fix the economy. I think that if we had a different president we still would not be happy it seems that America just wants more and more to reach our high standards.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What were some of the root causes for prejudice against the Okies during the Great Depression?

After the Dust Bowl in the Panhandle,Colorado,Texas, and New Mexico over 1,000,000 people from the area moved to California causing overcrowding, lack of jobs, and discrimination. The school teachers often ignored the Okie students, shoppes posted signs stating (Okies cannot shoppe hear go home), and jobs posted no jobs keep on driving.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Day and a Life of a Teenage Hobo

dear Jan,

Nothing to eat only a bit of stale bread nothing can curve this hunger of me. I have been hopping as many trains as i can and still no work 100 miles and nothing. i am liping over this sad ground with no cruches to hold me up. When i lef my home in Tennice I brought nothing with me, but my art supplies. Wicht saves my hunger from getting wores if i draw a pic of someone it earns me tow dimes. Barly enoghf to buy bread and milk. No famlily wants a hobo at thire door, so i try not to beg for food. Soon i will be with you in your house hold door and no loger will be a hobo thanks for your kinednes.

your greatfull nefew, PigeonEater tyrone

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I took this pic of a single family of hobos with 6 children,a grandmother, mother,father, and aunt the father on the left is distressed,his family is hungry there are some smiles, but they are forced apone them. The Okies live in a tent and, the ground is often wet, they have to sleep on hard ground," at first I would wake up stiff from sleeping on the hard ground, but I soon got use to it.'' states the Aunt Lila. "there seems that there is no way out of this deviating time for my family. I came from a long line of farmers we where productive, and respected in the community , but when the dust bull came it dyed up all my crops slowly we went out of business. I could not pay the rent so we eventually lost our home with no where to go we packed up our stuff, and left Oklahoma." explains the father. google images © 2007–2010
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